The project Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE), funded between 2014 and 2017 by the Institute of Museum and Library Studies (IMLS) and lead by the University of Washington Information School, developed a web-based exploratorium to support structured discovery of online learning resources about Linked Data. The project produced this website, which has been converted into a static site for preservation, and a Linked Data Competency Index. DCMI will keep this site online on a "best effort" basis as long as resources permit. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine should be regarded as the source of archival copies for the long term.

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Processing RDF data using programming languages.

Converting LAK Data to R Format

In this video, the presenter demonstrates how to retrieve the LAK (Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining) dataset from the Web and load it into [...]

By |January 8th, 2017|Comments Off on Converting LAK Data to R Format

Using R To Do a SPARQL Query

This video tutorial shows how to use R code (specifically, the "SPARQL" package) to grab the results from a SPARQL query instead of doing it [...]

By |January 8th, 2017|Comments Off on Using R To Do a SPARQL Query

Survey of Pythonic Tools for RDF and Linked Data Programming

In this blog post, the author shares his efforts to gather information about all the existing libraries and frameworks for doing RDF programming using Python. [...]

By |December 28th, 2016|Comments Off on Survey of Pythonic Tools for RDF and Linked Data Programming

Inspecting An Ontology With RDFLib

In this blog post, the author details some simple exercises in using the Python RDFLib library to parse and extract information from RDF data. Then, [...]

By |December 28th, 2016|Comments Off on Inspecting An Ontology With RDFLib

Using Ordnance Survey Linked Data: A Python RDFLib Example

The author describes how he created a mashup of and Ordnance Survey Linked Data using just the Python RDFLib library - no triple store [...]

By |December 28th, 2016|Comments Off on Using Ordnance Survey Linked Data: A Python RDFLib Example

OntoSpy Documentation

OntoSPy is a lightweight Python library and command line tool for inspecting and navigating vocabularies encoded using W3C Semantic Web standards (aka ontologies). The basic [...]

By |December 28th, 2016|Comments Off on OntoSpy Documentation

SPARQL Guide for the Ruby Developer

The author of this post shares his "simple guide usable by any Ruby developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles". Includes a code example which [...]

By |December 28th, 2016|Comments Off on SPARQL Guide for the Ruby Developer

SPARQL Guide for Python Developer

The author of this post shares his "simple guide usable by any Python developer seeking to exploit SPARQL without hassles". Includes a code example which [...]

By |December 28th, 2016|Comments Off on SPARQL Guide for Python Developer

Getting Started with RDF and SPARQL Using Sesame and Python

This blog post includes documentation of how to install a triplestore, load data into it, retrieve it using SPARQL, and access the results as native [...]

By |December 28th, 2016|Comments Off on Getting Started with RDF and SPARQL Using Sesame and Python

Finding Useful RDF Data on the Web

The author of this blog post states his opinion that "the world has too many ontologies and not enough useful data for those ontologies to [...]

By |November 27th, 2016|Comments Off on Finding Useful RDF Data on the Web