The project Linked Data for Professional Education (LD4PE), funded between 2014 and 2017 by the Institute of Museum and Library Studies (IMLS) and lead by the University of Washington Information School, developed a web-based exploratorium to support structured discovery of online learning resources about Linked Data. The project produced this website, which has been converted into a static site for preservation, and a Linked Data Competency Index. DCMI will keep this site online on a "best effort" basis as long as resources permit. The Internet Archive's Wayback Machine should be regarded as the source of archival copies for the long term.

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Uses available tools, servers, and endpoints to issue queries against a dataset.

SPARQL: Using ASK Tutorial and Quiz

This slide tutorial focuses on using ASK in SPARQL queries, but also includes other basic operators. Several examples are provided which include the RDF data [...]

By |November 23rd, 2016|Comments Off on SPARQL: Using ASK Tutorial and Quiz

A Complete Example of How to Link Data, Part 3

This video picks up where the previous two left off, covering the steps of setting up a Fuseki server to store data, interlinking that data [...]

By |November 15th, 2016|Comments Off on A Complete Example of How to Link Data, Part 3

Linked Data Query Processing

The amount of Linked Data published on the Web has increased dramatically in recent years. While some data publishers expose their datasets not only based [...]

By |November 13th, 2016|Comments Off on Linked Data Query Processing

Using Semantics with the REST Client API

This is the ninth chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It describes how to use MarkLogic Semantics with the REST Client API to view, query, [...]

By |April 17th, 2016|Comments Off on Using Semantics with the REST Client API

Getting Started with Semantics in MarkLogic

This is the second chapter in MarkLogic's "Semantic Developer's Guide". It describes how to set up MarkLogic Server to store triples. Includes a step-by-step example [...]

By |April 15th, 2016|Comments Off on Getting Started with Semantics in MarkLogic

MarkLogic: Introducing SPARQL

A brief tutorial on how to explore a previously loaded graph database using a SPARQL endpoint. Gives several examples of queries using DBpedia and BBC [...]

By |January 19th, 2016|Comments Off on MarkLogic: Introducing SPARQL

Setting up a VIVO SPARQL Endpoint

This page presents options and considerations for deciding how to run queries against the VIVO database. 1) VIVO's built-in SPARQL query endpoint or update endpoint. [...]

By |January 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Setting up a VIVO SPARQL Endpoint

Installing Virtuoso

Detailed instructions for installing Virtuoso, which the W3C describes as "a SQL-ORDBMS and Web Application Server hybrid (aka Universal Sever) that provides SQL, XML, and [...]

By |January 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Installing Virtuoso

Probing the SPARQL endpoint of

In this blog post, the authors use a series of SPARQL queries to probe the content in the UK's The techniques demonstrated can be [...]

By |January 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Probing the SPARQL endpoint of

Toward the Web of Functions: Interoperable High-Order Functions in SPARQL

This video addresses the problem needing to know the specific URI of any third-party custom SPARQL function in order for the computation to be executed [...]

By |January 16th, 2016|Comments Off on Toward the Web of Functions: Interoperable High-Order Functions in SPARQL